Wednesday 30 March 2011


Limoncello is an Italian lemon flavoured liqueur which is serve chilled after meals. The only place I have found it on sale by the bottle is Sainsbury's, where 500ml costs £11.79. To make it at home yourself you will need:

750ml of high proof, non flavoured alcohol (I used Spirytus Rektyfikowany, a Polish vodka available at, which is approximately £15.00 for a 350ml bottle (so you will need two) The ABV of this vodka is 79.9%!

Zest of 8 lemons (non waxed if possible)
Glass Jar (about 2 litres)


First of all give your lemons a good wash and then zest them (the yellow bit not the white bit) You can do this with a knife, but a lemon zester should only cost you about £3.50 from somewhere like Tesco . You can also use a cheese grater and use the side with the small blades (this is what I found the easiest option).

Pop your zest in the jar and pore over the alcohol, then stick the jar in a cool dark place and leave it for a month or so. Try to give it the occasional shake.

Your liquid should now be a lovely yellow colour. You will need to seperate the zest from the liquid using a seive.

You will now be making some sugar water using the ration of one gram of sugar per one milliliter of water/alcohol. Heat the water in a saucepan until the sugar has disolved and the water is clear. Pour the water over the alcohol in the jar (let it cool a bit first so you don't crack the jar)

Bottle it up, give it away, drink it. Limoncello is best kept in the freezer, because of the high alcohol content it wont freeze unless you add too much water.

I've made a start on my limoncello! I couldn't get the hang of the lemon zester so just used a little grater instead.


I finally finished my Limoncello about a year after I started.  It had soaked in the lemon for so long that I had to add lots and lots of sugar water.  It made a lot of the end product.  No idea about alcohol level, but I've had a few shots and not felt drunk, so I guess that the sugar water has knocked it right down.  Is very nice with lemonade.

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