Thursday 31 March 2011

Getting better at blogging

I'm on to day 2 of being a blogger now and I've uploaded all the stuff that was on my website to the blog, it's now time to start testing out new ideas that I find.  My husband will be sooo pleased as I went out about 6 months ago and spent a fortune on crafty stuff, material, bungy cord (for home made dog collars), proper material sissors (which so far have only been use to cut my daughters hair and once cut my finger) and all sorts of other stuff that I'd decided I needed in my life.....I haven't done any crafty stuff since.

I also just discovered how to add labels to my blog and have been pottering around organising my posts.  Even though I know no one is reading this (yet) I want it to be tidy.

Next week is a 'food day' at work which gives me the perfect opportunity to bake up some goodies and share the results on here. My friend has just given me the recipie for white chocolate and raspberry muffins and I make a mean batch of chewy cookies from a recipie I found online.

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