Wednesday 30 March 2011

Chicken Fried Rice

I absolutely love chicken fried rice but it had never occurred to me to make
my own, until I joined Slimming World and was desperately trying to think of
something to make for my tea. I experimented and came up with an amazing
chicken fried rice.

You will need:

A wok (mine was just a very cheap one)
Rice (I used boil in the bag - so easy)
Frozen Peas
Eggs (how many is up to you)
Spring Onions
Soy Sauce
Saucepan to cook rice/peas and frying pan to cook egg
Fry Light spray

When I make this I get all the ingredients together first in little bowls.
First I cook up the peas and put them in a bowl; it really doesn't matter
if they go cold, just as long as they are cooked. Then cook up the egg, I just heat some Frylight spray (instead of oil) in a frying pan and then chuck in the eggs (break them all into a cup first, otherwise some eggs will be cooked and others wont) Keep stirring the eggs and it will take on the texture of the egg bits you want in your fried rice. That can then be popped in a bowl for later.
I also chop up the spring onions and put them in a bowl for later too.
Cook your rice (don't overcook it or it will go all horrible and sticky). When cooked run water through it (in a sieve works well) and leave it to dry off a little.
When you are ready start heating the wok up, just before you put the rice in add the soy sauce so it heats up a little bit before you add the rice, I find that when you add the rice (which you do just a few seconds after the soya sauce) it will give the rice an even covering if you've heated it up.

Use a wooden spoon to keep stirring/turning the rice adding a little more soy sauce if you need to. When you feel that it is nearly ready, add the pre prepared ingredients and stir them all in.
I would use just one bag of boil in the bag rice and this recipe made a lot.

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